We work with our clients either on contractual basis, or on an-hoc basis delivering our service in highest qualities fulfilling the objective of the requested task. The whole point is being flexible to be delivering the best value to your investment.
High quality service delivery is a fundamental part of giving our clients the best possible return on their investment and in motivating our teams to deliver great results. Equally our service delivery is as important as the insight and creativity that we put into designing each solution.

Honest communication that starts with careful consideration of the objective and challenges, before coming up with the solution. We believe our transparent approach ensures strong, lasting partnerships are likely to be developed.

High quality service delivery is an integral part of giving our clients the best possible return on their investment and in motivating our teams to deliver great results.

Our highly quality field marketing teams merchandise, train, demonstrate and sell within retail. Our service is scalable, meaning that you can expect a great level of service regardless of the volume of the activity. Providing the best service means getting it right first time and never wasting budget.
Smart Field works on strengthening your brand identity with the retail through:

  1. Push Sales and Pre-order in the trade
  2. Better Merchandising and high visibility
  3. Continuously Training, and Tutoring Retail on the new Launches
  4. Data Collection from the trade with detailed insights
  5. Creating one to one relationship with the trade

Smart Field aims to increase your incremental sales through our different services adding value to your business with the best Return on Investment.